Chapter 17 News
Airworthiness Inspection & Certification Video
Chapter 17's Technical Officer, Jim Auman, recently completed an airworthiness inspection and...
How safe is safe?
So many times you watch a pilot approach his plane, make a big circle around the craft and within...
Young Eagles Event Update
2017 is a special year. It is the 25th anniversary of the EAA Young Eagles Program. This program...
Oh So That’s What a Checklist is For!
Ah, it was a fine autumn afternoon. Lots of sunshine and a slight easterly breeze right down the...
May Meeting Change of Venue
THE MAY MEETING WILL BE AT DOWNTOWN ISLAND AIRPORT When we meet again in May, we will meet at the...
Chapter Treasurer Changes
Alex Shore is stepping down after 3 years as our Treasurer. Alex is still going to finish up the...
Monroe County Airport Update
While at the Second Saturday Omelet Breakfast at Madisonville (MNV) it was announced that CLYDE...
Tennessee Aviation Hall of Fame
Members of the Tennessee Aviation Museum meet to discuss adding Kiffin Rockwell to Hall Professor...