Chapter 17 News
Chapt. 17 Members Visit RAM’s New Airport
Members of Chapter 17 visited the Remote Area Medical's newly-purchased airstrip in East Tennessee...
60th Anniversary Celebration
EAA Chapter 17 members gather at Sky Ranch Airport to honor its history (Click any image below to...
Student Pilot Certificate rule changes
Student Pilot Certificate — not a note from your doctor any more The FAA published an update to...
January Meeting Hosted by MKAA
Trevis Gardner of Metropolitan Knoxville Airport Authority talked about the Smoky Mountain Air...
Secretary’s Report
January 4, 2016 | Chapter 17 Meeting There was no business meeting conducted. The purpose of the...
EAA Chapter 17 60th Birthday Party!
YOUR EAA CHAPTER 17 IS HAVING A 60th BIRTHDAY PARTY! By Jerry Depew You are invited to celebrate...