EAA Chapter 17 members are invited to attend the annual RSAT (Runway Safety Action Team) meeting, to be held on 8-10-17 at 0900-1000 in the MKAA Board Room (terminal 3rd floor). MKAA is hosting the meeting, on behalf of the TYS Tower manager who will be on hand to review runway safety topics, past runway incursions/deviations, and challenges to our airport movement area operations. This is your chance to learn and interact with Tower staff and airport users, and bring questions or suggestions for improving airfield safety.
If you park in the terminal garage, enter the lower or upper level, and take the elevator to the third floor. Bring your parking ticket and we will validate it for free parking. I hope you can attend, and look forward to seeing you on the 10th.
Thank you,
Jim Roberts, Director of Airfield Operations
Metropolitan Knoxville Airport Authority