downtown island airport logoBack from the Sun N Fun event and looking forward to our May 1st meeting at Downtown Island airport DKX. No meeting at Sky Ranch for May. We will be meeting at the same time as usual, 6:30 pm, for food and social time with the meeting starting at 7 pm.

I believe Robert Berlin has some pictures of the fly in to show that Karen Meyers and a few others have forwarded to him. A few members will share some stories about their experience also.  I think we had at least 11 of our members attend this year.  Tom & Pat Roush, Jerry & Robin Depew, and Gordon & Karen Meyer attended several forums and now are a walking wealth of info.  Some of them set in on the flying to Alaska forum so now several of us are dreaming of a flight to Alaska next year. Mark Scheuer got a ride in one of the World War II area fighter aircraft.

At the DKX meeting Marvin & Sandy McGraw will put the finishing touches on our planned Young Eagle event on May 13th at DKX.  At present it looks like we may need some more ground volunteers.  You can sign up on our website.  I will have a short presentation on used oil analysis (UOA) if time permits otherwise I will hold it for another meeting.

I would like a volunteer for a new “Food Coordinator” position.  I am looking for someone to step up and help in this area.  Contact me for any questions on this.  This position is important to make sure we have something to serve during social time before our meetings. This doesn’t mean the coordinator has to prepare the food, only be the point person for you to let know what you are planning to bring.  On some occasions the Coordinator may buy pizzas or sub-sandwiches with approved funds from our treasure.  So at present please let me or one of the other officers know what food you are bringing to share.

Our members have been invited to attend a Hot Dog Fly In at Deerfield Airpark TN44 at noon on April 29th.  We have 12 members signed up so far so if you decide to attend and haven’t signed up yet contact me directly so I can give them an accurate head count. We may have an empty seat or two for those that need a ride so contact me directly if you would like a ride.

Hopefully we will see you all at our May 1st meeting at Downtown Airport (DKX)

George Douglas

Submit Your Application Today!

Our Ray Aviation Scholarship application window is open from March 1st through the March 31st.