Sun’n’Fun & Our Next Meeting

We will not be holding our regular April meeting due to several members attending the Sun N Fun fly-in in Lakeland, Florida. May 1st will be our next meeting and take note that this meeting will be held at DKX Downtown Island Airport, not Sky Ranch. We will send out reminders as we get closer to that time.  We will share some pictures of the fly-in and I will also give a Used Oil Analysis presentation. This presentation should help you interpret UAO reports for your aircraft, as well as your personal street vehicles.

New Website Design

Have you noticed the new changes and improvements to our www.EAA17.ORG website? Robert Berlin, our website manager, has worked very hard on this and he says there is still more to come. Also take a look at our chapter’s history. Most of the credit and thanks for this goes to Don Miller who donated a lot of time putting this together for Robert and us.

Safety Officer joins EAA17

We created a new Safety Officer position and the first to serve is Ken strong. Ken retired from the Navy as a Chief Petty officer and went on to work for the US Treasury before taking his second retirement. He is a past President of a Colorado EAA chapter and also a private pilot. He will be writing monthly safety articles for our Newsletters, as well as interviewing pilots and mechanics to share their safety experiences. AOPA has a monthly article called “Never Again” where pilots share their experiences that could have had a bad outcome and Ken plans to include something similar to this in his articles. Of course no names will appear to protect the guilty.

Deerfield Airpark Fly-In

Our friends at Deerfield Airpark (TN44) on Norris Lake has invited our chapter to join them for a Fly-In Hot Dog cookout on April 29th. Plenty of RV’s and homebuilts to take a look at while there. Please let me know who plans to attend so I can give them a headcount.

Sun’n’Fun Logistics

For those that are planning to attend Sun N Fun please let me know so we can all try and hook up while there. My contact info for voice and text is 321-663-5391 and email is [email protected]. I will be working the show in my AMSOIL tent at the front of Hangar A. It is a 20 footer so I have plenty of room and chairs to get you out of the sun and take a breather. It can also serve as a lost and found in case you forget your way or lose your name tag. Just ask security to take you to Georges tent :>) I also have a golf cart to use after hours for running members back and forth from their aircraft campsites if necessary. Really looking forward to this event and hope we get many members to attend. Remember no meeting in April and May’s meeting will be at DKX Downtown Island.

George Douglas President, Chapter 17