
I am encouraging all our members to attend our February 1st meeting where we will be celebrating our 60th anniversary of our EAA chapter 17. Jerry Depew is working hard behind the scenes to make this a nice celebration to remember. He has invited several of the original members and officers (founding fathers) to attend and share their stories along with photos and perhaps some videos. We will be providing refreshments and cake as well.

We will be holding a short business meeting to bring everyone up to speed on the upcoming air show being held at TYS in April and other ideas and improvements that your officers have been working on.

We have a new website in development by Robert Berlin that should go live soon. Robert’s work is just another example of the volunteer nature of our members stepping forward with their unique talents.

Let’s not forget that January is renewal month. As your president I will be attending EAA leadership training next month in Daytona Florida.

The training will cover :

  • Recruiting and retaining members
  • Marketing
  • Tax exempt status
  • Fundraising
  • Media & public relations
  • Young Eagles
  • Insurance and risk management
  • EAA chapter resources


Download the February 2016 Mountainland Flyer